A Complete Guide to Betting With a Pay Per Head Bookie

A Complete Guide to Betting With a Pay Per Head Bookie

So you have been betting sports with the guy in the corner bar for years.  What is the advantage of using an online sports bookie vs. a local bookie?  If you have never looked around at sites or bet online there you might just be surprised at how many reasons you will find for betting with an online sports bookie.

It is not always the case, but you can definitely be dealing with some shady types when dealing with a local bookie.  Not that they are not reliable when it comes to paying but there are quite frequently criminal associations with this type of betting.  Even if your local bookie is on the up and up, you are missing out on perks and advantages that come with using an online sports bookie.

The best reason for using an online sports bookie vs. a local bookie is that you will receive bonuses and perks for signing up for an account online.  The online services are looking to get your business, so look around and see what various sites are offering.

Some online sports bookies will offer you 100% on your first deposit.  Many will even offer you various bonuses when you reload your account or even offer you a free play.

Another reason for using an online sports bookie vs. a local bookie goes back to the point of sometimes dealing with shady characters.  This is definitely not always the case but has been known to happen in certain urban settings.

A lot of times you don’t put the money down up front when dealing with a local bookie and this can get you into trouble if you are not careful.  Betting money you don’t have can lead to chasing bets and you can get in over your head really fast.

And even though this sounds like something out of a B movie, you don’t want to acquire gambling debts you can’t pay to your local bookie.  Online, you deposit a certain amount and you can bet a certain amount.

One thing that most bettors like is that with an online sports bookie, you are in control of all your sports betting action.  You can check the lines anytime you like, you can place a bet from the comfort of your home and you have verification in front of you of the exact bet you placed.

When deciding between using an online sports bookie vs. a local bookie in this day and age, it is a no brainer.  With the perks and bonuses you receive from opening an account online, you are basically turning down free money by choosing a local bookie.

You can’t beat the convenience either of sitting at home and being able to click a button and make a bet.  If you are running a little late, you don’t have to worry that you might not reach your bookie when it is five minutes to kick off, tip off or face off.

It definitely makes it easier for betting quarter and half lines.  If you are a little old fashioned when it comes to computers, it will make you feel better to know that all the reputable online sports bookies have good customer service and support.  You can always call them and ask a question, or even have them place the bet for you on your account.

When you compare options, an online bookie is the smart way to go to bet sports. If you live in Las Vegas or a few other areas of the country, you have the option of going to a physical location and making your bets, but why would you?

Betting online is much more convenient. It is also a much better option than betting with your local bookie. Betting windows and your local bookie are generally not going to offer bonuses, reduced juice or cash back on your net losses. Let’s look more in depth at why an online bookie is the smart way to go to bet sports.

One reason for using an online bookie is that you have access to information and can place your bets 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you like to keep an eye on the lines and see when they are moving, it is not very practical to call your bookie ten times a day.

This will get old to both of you pretty quickly. The same with going to a betting window over and over. What are you going to do, live in the casino? You have more control when you do your sports betting with an online bookie. You don’t have to wait in line.

You don’t have to stress over getting in touch with your bookie by phone at the last minute and possibly missing a bet. When you are ready to make a bet, you just click a couple of buttons and you are set. Most sites also have a lot of valuable information on sports teams and various forms of bets.

Another advantage to making your wagers online is to keep your betting within a comfortable range. When using an online bookie to bet sports, you have to make a deposit and you can bet no more money than what is in the account.

With a local bookie, most of the time you don’t have to put up the money ahead of time when placing a bet. This option can make it easy to get in over your head pretty quick. You can have a bad weekend and start chasing losses to try and catch up and before you know it things can get out of control.

All the advantages point to the fact that an online bookie is the smart way to go to bet sports. Besides the control you have over your betting action, the online bookies are fighting for your business. Online sports books offer as much as 100% bonuses on your initial investment.

Shop around and see which one offers you the best bonus and terms. See if they also offer you something for reloading your account and if they take care of you for referring friends to the site.

If you are computer challenged, make sure the company you go with has good customer service and support. There are plenty of sports book reviews out there and you can easily find out the reputation of a company.

Left running your own bookmaking business? Well, if so, then you’re probably dealing with quite the headache pretty consistently, because we know how tough it can be to run your own business. There are many things to track and make sure are correct, including how much money you are owed, and even how much is owed out to bettors as well.

Tracking bets these days is far tougher than just having a standard spreadsheet and keeping everything there. You need a team, and you need people how are working to make sure that your business is set up to be successful and to make money.

Most importantly, you should take some of that burden off of yourself and allow someone else to do that work for you. Don’t pay someone massive amounts of money though, instead just use a Pay Per Head service.

247 PPH is Our Recommended Service

247 Pay Per Head is the way to go, for many more reasons than we can put into a simple article. Pay Per Head services these days are all straight, forward but not all companies do it like 247 does. Things are simple from the moment that you decide to go with 247 Pay Per Head, mainly because of how simply THEY make it on you.

Here’s the break down of what you have to do in order to get the burden off of your back and onto the team who will be working for you. The first thing is to register for an account, and then sit back and wait the phone to ring. It’ll be 247 on the other line, and they’ll get things squared away. If you don’t want to wait a few minutes, then feel free to give them a call and they can get it done right there!

Staff & Cost Up to Par

The staff is there 100% to help you out and to make your life as simple as possible. Not only do they want to help you have a smooth-running business, but they want to help you expand your business. The less time that you are spending on the actual bookkeeping side of things, the more time that you have to recruit more bettors to your site.

Now, before you start to worry about the cost of letting someone else do the dirty and tough work for the business, a Pay Per Head service is exactly that. It’s a service where you pay for exactly as many people, or “heads”, that you have placing bets.

Reasons to Start at 247 PPH

First of all, you’ll get your first week completely free, and then after things get up and running it’s just $10 per head after that, which means that if you have 20 people placing bets that you were having to sort through and track/manage before, you are now just paying $200 to have that completely taken care of for you.

This will simply cut down the amount of time that you are going to be left working on the backend of things, and instead you are going to be able to spend the extra hours that you have left over doing whatever you’d like to do.

It may sound incredibly simple, and the reason for that is because it really is that simple. 247 Pay Per Head takes care of you and your business, and they do it for a low fee that will help your business out in a massive way. If you don’t believe that it really is that easy, then register for your account and try it out for a week for free to make sure that you enjoy it. If things don’t go as smoothly as you think they should or will, then you don’t have to continue your service!

Benefits of PPH

Price per Head Services

Price per head services are revolutionizing the way local bookies are doing their business. These are online sites that allow local bookies to offers their services over the Internet. Punters can access the sites and all the available information and place their bets online, in a convenient, secure and organized environment.

Benefits for the Bookies

Instead of local bookies having to manage all aspects of their business, these sites are consolidating and organizing the businesses into one site with a range of management facilities that are provided. In the past, local bookies would need to hire a man to look after the financial aspects of the business and the debt collection, while the bookies were kept busy with other aspects of the business.

Profits were split, sometimes 50-50. With the price per head services, a fee is paid per active customer and all backend management, as well as websites, customer service, risk managements, reporting and more are handled by the online service. This leaves the bookies free to control and run the business, while keeping all of the profits. The reporting that is provided will give the bookie a look as the specific aspects of the business, as well as an overall picture of the strengths and weakness or his business.

Without the hassle of worrying about the backend management of the site, he will have more time to focus on the areas that need to be strengthened, customer retention and business building. Customer support is delegated out, ensuring that he does not need to sit on the phone for hours answering questions. The service is streamlined and organized, attracting more punters to his business.

Benefits for the Punters

There are many reasons why punters are being attracted to the business of local bookies that make use of price per head services. These services mean that all aspects of the betting process are conveniently and simply accessible online, at any time of the day or night.

In addition, more sporting events and wagering types are available via price per head services than could be offered by a local bookie, which offer more options and services for the punter. Up-to-date information is available helping the punter to make more educated decisions about which bets he should place. Customer support is available via a number of different methods and in multiple languages.

The sites are secure and as no money is actually handled by the sites, you do not have to provide any financial information online which adds an additional level of security.

247PPH is an industry leader in the pay per head industry and is the 1st option we recommend if you’re looking to utilize an online pay-per-head service to propel your bookie business.

 PPH Revolutionizing Local Bookie

Pay per head services are a growing concept among local bookies and punters. As technology has improved and more services are moving online, local bookies are following suit and are begin to make use of the pay per head services that are revolutionizing their businesses.

While, the local bookie services remain illegal, pay per head offers an organized and user-friendly way for punters to use the service that they have been relying on for decades. These services work in a simple and straightforward way with the bookies directing their customers to an online website where they can access all the information they may have wanted from the bookie.

While these sites do not handle money, they do allow punters to place bets. In fact, you are likely to find a wider range of betting types available, complete with current information on the game, injury reports and more. This allows punters to make better decisions when wagering, as well as to keep up with the developments of the game.

This may seem similar to offshore online sportsbooks, except for the important distinction that the sites to not handle money. The settling of all debts, as well as payments for successful bets is still done face-to-face with the bookie. The sites simply manage the process, allowing the bookies to keep better track of who owes what.

“There is always going to be a huge market for local bookmakers because they are the ones who let players bet with credit, with money they don’t have to produce,” explained Steve Budin, former online sportsbook operator cum gambling expert. According to Budin the pay per head sites make it much simpler for the bookies to their customers.

Pay per head sites such as 247pph.com offer a wide range of services for local bookmakers that are designed to streamline their businesses and improve their service. As the name implies, the bookies using the service are required to pay a fee per head – per active customer.

Bookies say that the services available are well worth the per-head fee that these sites charge. In the case of 247pph.com, bookies are required to pay only $10 per head for Internet accounts and $15 per head for Internet and phone accounts.

This fee provides the bookies with a customized website that is built and maintained, multi-lingual telephone support services, detailed reports, customer profiling, risk management and more. Punters are attracted to the sites as they offer a wider range of betting types, helpful customer support and 24/7 services.

With 247pph.com, punters are able to make use of the convenience and user-friendliness of wagering online, while at the same time building up trust and a relationship with their bookie. All settling up is done face-to-face, giving punters the security of keeping their financial information off the Internet, but retaining the convenience of online betting.

Local bookies remain local with the pay per head services, but the convenience of the Internet has been a huge draw-card and more bookies are moving online all the time.

Pay Per Head Services Available to Start Your Own Bookie Service

So you’ve set up your bookie service, hired your staff, trained them 100%, and have someone always available 24 hours a day and seven days a week who can answer the phone and be available to take bets. What other things do you have to pay for while running a bookie service?

You need to pay for an office space for your employees to work, you’ll have phone bills, insurance, and also need to pay phone operators as well. This can all definitely be done, but why would you do it when you can let someone else run this all for you, and make your life much easier?

It can be tough to make sure that you have people who are constantly managing and checking the odds, payouts, and risk management on the actual sports betting side of it. This is where 247PPH comes in.

What is Pay Per Head?

Pay per head is a service that allows bookies to outsource their business for a very low cost in comparison to what they would have to pay for office space, employees, etc. It cuts down the overhead costs that come with running a business, and makes your life easy by taking almost all of the pressure off of you.

When running this type of business, you will have to constantly be sure the lines of the games are updated, and also be sure to track player’s figures and take wagers over the phone. Pay per head makes it so that you have to do none of that, and does everything for a low cost.


Over at 247PPH, they make sure that your customers are always taken care of, and even more importantly, that your BUSINESS is always taken care of. Customers have the option of placing a bet on any sport out there, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Players will have the ability to wager on sports, horses, and play casino games all within one single account, and you can then analyze their action through multiple reports.

The most important thing that we do at 247PPH, is save you money and time. All of those things that you need to pay for listed above (office space, employees, etc), they cover all of those, and take those costs out of the equation. They essentially take the worry out of your business, and make sure that everything is constantly running smoothly. They are also always sure to make account balances up to date, as they are processed in real time. Let 247PPH take care of all of your clients once they join, while you take care of finding new clients to build your business.

247PPH has plans that start as low as $15, and offer state of the art software, with the best lineup of clerks, lines people, and managers out there. They make sure that your clients have no reason to take their business elsewhere, which is one of the main reasons why they are the most trusted name out there for pay per head services.

Price Per Head

With as many as 13 states now offering legalised sports betting, now seems as good a time as any to jump in and claim your piece of the pie. I know what you’re thinking though, how can I possibly compete with the big boys of the betting industry? Or, I have very little personal capital and can’t just simply start a thriving business overnight. Are we right?

Well, the good news is you can, and, what’s more, we can show you how to be a bookmaker.
By far and away the best way to become a bookmaker is by partnering up with a good and reputable price per head provider that will allow to offer your own sportsbook to others, be they friends, family or as-yet unknown customers.

Your Best Option

The reason that price per head is your best option is because it’s the easiest, most thorough, convenient not to mention cost effective way to offer total bookmaking services from punt to payout. In the long term, it will save you time and make you money.

Put simply, providing you have a reasonable level of sporting knowledge you can run a sportsbook. You don’t even need industry experience so long as you understand what your role will be and have an idea of how to be a bookmaker – and this can be learnt – then a bookie price per head will do the rest for you.

Remember, you do not need to be rich to get started. This is because you are not paying a flat fee for the services you require but instead you pay weekly fees for each active player which is where the term price per head comes from.

What You Can Expect

What do you get for your money? Well, you will be provided with everything that you need to open your own gambling website and become a bookmaker right away. A good price per head betting software will provide its clients with a sportsbook software that will supply the odds on sporting events right across the world before settling any bets taken.

They will also supply you with customer support, ideally around the clock, and usually by way of a dedicated call centre. Not having this service would be a major concern for players and will likely stunt the growth of your new company. A good price per head partner will also create for you a platform plus the infrastructure you will need for tracking and reporting player activities and balances.

Keep It Safe

One understandable major concern for bettors is security. In this age where identity theft is a real threat, people are not always comfortable putting their critical information out there let alone their banking details. The very best price per head software will have your back covered here too, performing maintenance checks and utilising the latest online safety protocols.
Once you know how to be a bookmaker, you can decide if it is an ideal business for you. It goes without saying that working as a bookmaker will require you to post betting odds, accept and pay winnings and, ideally but not crucially, follow as many sports as possible. If you are comfortable with all that and, now that you know how to be a bookmaker, there really isn’t anything stopping you.

How to Get a Bookie Website

If you have decided to try your hand at being an online bookmaker, congratulations, you have made an excellent choice. This is a job that you can do from home with minimal fuss, make reasonable money and spend most of your day watching live sport. Pretty sweet deal huh?

Ok, so let’s say you have made the decision to be an online bookie then there is a list of things that we will need to get right if we are going to make a success of your business. Things such as a bookie’s website. Not everybody knows how to get a bookie website but, as simple as it might seem to create the perfect web presence, it will need to be done correctly in order to be successful.

Perfect Web Presence

Unless you have a background in web design, your best bet would be to use a pay per head bookmaking service which specialises in all things sportsbook. Any pay per head service worth its salt will offer a number of different templates you can use for your site and some might even draw them up from scratch for you.

Getting this step right is crucial and can take your business to the next level. Conversely, get it wrong and it will likely end up tanking your business altogether by failing to attract new customers. So, whether you choose to get make one yourself or get a pay per head service to create one for you, either by using a template or starting anew, make sure that your website is the best it can be, but how?

Website Rules

It is important that your site perfectly matches your new brand’s strategy so that you create an identifiable and instantly recognisable company reputation. Again, this is something that your pay per head partners can help you with.

Next, make the best website possible but keeping it easy to use, highly navigable, attractive and interactive. You must also make sure that all the necessary information that your customers will require, such as any promotions you have might have running, your list of rules and certification and, of course, the services that you offer and all of the sports that you cover, is all as easy to find as possible.

There are two common problems that amateur designers – and even some professionals – can overlook when putting together a new site. One is making a site that, like a crazy maze, is easy to get lost in and hard to find what you are looking for and two, overloading a site with far too many off putting ads.

We get that these are tempting to use and can make a nice little earner on the side but too many ads will scare off your betting customers and cost you more revenues in the long run than those lousy ads drew in in the first place.

Whatever you do, do not overlook the importance of online security. All of your potential new players will almost certainly value this as a high priority and will want to know that they are playing in a safe, secure and protected environment. This, like every other rule on the list, is why pay per head software can be so helpful, almost invaluable even, when setting yourself up as an online bookmaker.

What You Need

A good pay per head provider will make sure that you have 24-hour customer service offered by a round the clock customer care centre, the most up to date online security software that will protect your players’ sensitive information while also fighting off threats to your business such as potential DDOS attacks.You

can also expect to receive top notch web design and a fully functioning sportsbook platform that will allow to accept bets and settle them in real time. Your pay per head provider will also ensure that your new website works as well on mobile devices, like smartphones and tablets, as it does on desktops and laptops.

And that’s really all you need to know about how to get a bookie website through using a pay per head service. Try a pay per head demo when you’re ready to go and when you are happy, go ahead and launch your new career as an online bookmaker complete with a fully functioning website.

How to be a Bookie

If you have come here to learn how to be a bookie then not only have you come to the right place but your timing couldn’t be better. In this internet age, we are all connected globally and have access to sports – and information about them – at home and abroad. Plus, there are many sports betting software applications available online that that will help you make the most of these new and exciting opportunities.

Yes, thanks to the internet it has never been easier to become your very own bookmaker and it’s all been made possible thanks to pay per head services. That said, if you want to make it as a successful bookie, and I’m betting you do, it takes more than just utilising the best price per head service around.

Attract New Players

While it is still important to work with the best price per head service online, it’s no good whatsoever if you don’t acquire and manage enough players’ business to generate those all-important juicy profits.
Attracting new players to your sports betting website is key and will not only help generate turnover, but if you manage it well enough then word of mouth should work its magic and bring a continuous stream of new players along too. However, getting new players is not as easy as it sounds.

Create Your Web Presence

Firstly, create the perfect website, one that isn’t simply a basic site enabling people to bet on sports. It must be engaging, energetic, attractive, highly navigable and easy to use. If you have a rough idea, you can get the best pay per head service to create a neat sportsbook website design for you. This will allow you to showcase products and services as well as a detailed outline of the gambling options you offer.

Look After Your Own

Once your website is up and running, its success will ultimately be determined by just how good of a bookie you turn out to be. It might sound obvious but it is critical that you always pay your players on time and offer first class customer service should they require it. After all, you must look after the customers you already have if you wish to attract new ones.

It will also be important that you provide all of your services for all the available technologies, remembering that these update pretty regularly. These days, people are far more likely to place their bets by using a cell phone or tablet than they are open up a laptop or desktop. Not that these are out of the question, but it’s all a matter of convenience. In fact, increasingly, online casinos and bookmakers are being launched either to be mobile friendly first or exclusively for on the move devices altogether.

The Best Pay Per Head Service

The great thing about employing the best pay per head service is that it does a lot of the hard work for you meaning you don’t have to. It isn’t simply a case of providing the best odds and leaving you to do all the hard work, a truly great pay per head software will also be a complete bookmaker’s management service tool.

Pay per head software can handle your records, settle the bets, provide the odds and bets types. In the latter’s case, pay per head services will offer betting options such as money line, parlay, live in-play betting, spread betting and other options on all the sports you could possibly wish for, allowing you to be the best bookie you can be.

Football Gambling Software

NFL is one of the most wagered on sports in betting, with millions of bettors all over the world putting their money behind their favourite teams and players every week of the season. Because of this, and the increasingly open nature of American gambling laws, there really has never been a better time to become a bookmaker and get involved.

Thankfully, it has also never been easier to achieve either thanks to quality pay per head services. This software will provide you with your best chance to make it as a bookie, but did you know that there are sport specific benefits as well.

Important Tools For Football Betting

For instance, if you want your website to make the most of football season, your best bet would be to employ a good pay per head service that will allow to tackle all the challenges a football season can throw at you. In short, don’t even think about going into an NFL Season without knowing and possessing a bookie’s most important tools.

A good pay per head service will provide all the tools you need, sparing no attention to detail so that you have everything you need to make it a success as a bookie over the entire course of the football season.

Ways To Bet On Football

Betting on live games is something that’s growing in popularity in sportsbooks worldwide and in play betting on football is no different. In case you are in any way unsure what in play betting or live betting is, it simply means betting on a football game live as the action plays out, predicting where the game’s next twist will come.

What makes this particularly thrilling is that, quite naturally, the odds shift with every occurrence that happens on the field and it can be a real test of nerve. In fact, parlay bettors are increasingly taking advantage of cash out options. This is where they cash their wager before it wins or loses if they feel it could sink mid-match.

Of course, the risk with cashing out is that you get a smaller payment if your walk away from the bet early when there is every chance that the game could swing back in your favour. However, you might save a few pennies on an otherwise losing bet and something is better than nothing.

Types Of Football Betting

In the case of spread betting, or betting against the spread, it works like this. Let’s say as an example that the Giants have been installed as a 6 point favourite over the Bears and they race into a 14 point lead in the first quarter meaning that the spread increases in line with it. With each turn the game takes, the spread, and the totals, will all change accordingly. With live betting you can react to on the pitch events in real time as the game unfolds.

Offer More, Get More

Of course, you will want to let your players know all about your live betting and cash out options. After all, the more betting options you provide, the more wagers they can make meaning they are likely to place more bets and, if you have done everything right, they will hopefully pass on their pleasing experience to others.

Afterall, word of mouth is still the best way to grow and expand your brand. On that note, many online bookies operate a referral scheme to incentivise their customers to bring new business across to their site.

Market Your Brand

Next up, in preparation for the upcoming NFL and college football season, you will need to put together a complete marketing plan to maximise your transactions. Once this has been set up, it’s time to time tie it in with a website as that is where the modern day sports bettors go to when they are looking to place their bets and track results.

Your website will need to promote your competitiveness against the big boys in the business, mimicking the type of bets that they do. Your site must also be proactive, and easy to use, while neatly and as attractively as possible listing what you offer as well as the advantages of betting with you.

Get Social And Be Safe

Draw new punters in with a social media presence and advertise yourself as the best place to place their football bets. Then, hopefully these new bettors will stay with you throughout the entire football season.

The best football gambling software will also come with the best security software available and boast an SSL certificate which provides authentication for a website and enables an encrypted connection. This will let potential punters know that you can be trusted with their personal and banking details. In short, build it and they will come.

Be Your Own Bookie

With the American betting market opening up like never before, now is a really great time to get involved in the gambling business and become a bookmaker, offering odds and offers on just about every sport you can think of at home or abroad. This is a great job idea too because you can do it from the comfort of your own home and, given that in the long run you can’t really beat the bookies, make a lot of money from.

But how exactly are you going to be your own bookie? Well, the truth is that it is easier than you think. Much easier actually. Thanks to pay per head services and software you could be up and running with your own online sportsbook in no time at all. But, what is pay per head?

Pay per head betting software allows you to offer many types of bets on almost every kind of sport, from football, baseball, hockey, basketball, golf, tennis, soccer, cricket, rugby, you name it, your customers will likely be able to bet on it. So, let’s get started then.

Learn how to be you own bookie

Two extremely important things to do when you are setting up as a bookie are to learn how to acquire players and then finding yourself the best possible per head service which will allow you to process your new customers’ bets automatically making it as easy as possible. This makes the whole betting and settling process super simple and really smooth. Plus, the more action you take, the more money you will make and a nice and easy platform will encourage repeat business.
Another thing that will generate more business is word of mouth. Happy customers will likely tell their friends about their pleasing experience which will hopefully, in turn, drive more custom. You might even want to install an incentive scheme to guarantee such conversions between your existing customers and potential new ones.

Web Presence

Your “betting shop”, as it were, will be your web site so it’s vital you get this part right. Luckily, pay per head software sites will often include this for you so you don’t need a background in web design to get started. Heck, you don’t even need a background in betting or sports to make it as a bookie, although naturally this would help.

Your pay per head service will know the how to create the perfect sportsbook website and what it needs to contain but so that you know, here are a few of the rules. Your site should be attractive and catchy. It should be easy to use and to navigate, while listing all the bets and services that you offer. Of course, you will want to choose a pay per head service that offers the best possible 24 hour customer support team for the unlikely event that a customer of yours should run into problems while gambling with you. So now you can go and be your own bookie.

Pay Per Head Sites

For the past few years the way we bet online has been changing. Thanks to certain software providers, ordinary members of the public have become empowered to become bookmakers in an increasingly liberal US market, states providing naturally. This is entirely thanks to pay per head betting software.

Online bookmakers rely on pay per head software to keep their business functioning without issue. The services these systems provide allows bookmakers to take onboard clients and settle bets in one swift transaction, meaning that that the bookmakers do not have to record bets in an outdated manner in this technical – and legal – new era.

So, instead of taking a phone call from a would-be gambler, a bookmaker can now instead choose to direct his clients to his pay per head site where bets can be recorded, tracked and totalled on time, saving time, money and effort for you, the bookmaker.

Common Place And Standard Practise

The really great news is that, more and more, regular folk are also opening sportsbooks of their own and running them using this software. By carving out a career as their own bookmaker, they are taking charge of their own future and becoming their own boss all at the same time and all from the comfort of their own home without braving the dreaded commute to the office each day.

This has all been made possible by pay per head software which means using bookmaking software on a player by player basis at a cost per bettor, hence the term pay per head sites. In exchange for a reasonable fee per user, potential sportsbook operators can enjoy many benefits from the software provider which they can embed in their product and pass on to the user. Different pay per head sites offer different services and you are free to select whichever type of service you wish or can afford.

Crucially, pay per head sites do not process any monies themselves, but rather just provide a place for players and bookies alike to record all bets. As said bookie, you can expect to receive real-time reports giving you an overall view of all the bets placed by your clients, what they are winning, along with any other relevant information.

What Types Of Bet Can I Offer?

Another great thing about pay per head software is that it is able to provide a huge range of wagering options for your bettors to choose from each day. Bookies can provide betting options on football, soccer, golf, tennis, baseball, basketball, rugby, formula 1, darts, snooker, pool, boxing, UFC, cricket and even lifestyle subjects such as financials and politics to TV and entertainment.
Using a pay per head system, you will be able to offer straight up singles bets and accumulators, pre-event or live and in-play, on all sports, e-Sports and horse racing meetings with cash out options.

Enhance Productivity And Profits

Fully customizable pay per head betting software is designed to enhance productivity and with it any profits generated in the online wagering business acquired. These software can either be added to an existing sites or come provided with an oven ready website to go live straight away. And, what’s more, the front end dashboards are super simple to use, while tracking bettors’ accounts at the same time.
This, I think you agree, helps to make sportsbook management not only possible and efficient but also easy too. Plus, with the advancements made each year in technology, the quality and efficiency of pay per head betting software is increasing also.

The software often comes with automated accounting as a feature, meaning each and every transaction by your set of punters is properly documented. This way, operators can manage player betting activity while all earnings, profits and losses alike, will be automatically documented and stored on updated records safe and neatly online.

Presence On The Internet

By employing pay per head systems, bookmakers are now able to have an online presence on the internet which will in turn invite traffic to their website which, if attractive enough, will convert some of those visitors into potential customers. So long as the site is fully functioning while providing a reliable betting service to its core customer base, these bettors are far more likely to want to return back and play regularly providing repeat business in the process.

Plus, happy customers that leave satisfied, or better still amazed, will likely tell their friends and family about their experience too, allowing your pay per head service to grow further still. More online players to your betting site means greater revenues for the business naturally. Of course, poor service delivery will provide the complete opposite outcome, so it’s important to get this right.

24 hour operation

Because you will be offering odds on international events, for example the English Premier League (EPL) soccer or international tennis and golf majors, players will require an international time zone friendly, round the clock betting experience to be provided also. This is especially true now that according to reports, around 72% of the online bets placed, are placed on mobile friendly sites using smartphones, enhancing the popularity of online betting further still through the nature of its convenience.

The increasing influence of cell phones in our lives is, of course, down to improved mobile technology, greater smartphone exposure and the spread of Wi-Fi networks which has allowed cell phone betting to take over the sports betting industry even if desktop betting still offers quality and convenient betting aswell.

Bear this in mind when creating you pay per head site. Pay per head betting software should accommodate bettors using their tablets, PCs and smartphones, the latter of which will need any sportsbooks to cater for either Android phones or Apple’s iPhone alternative if they are to be successful.

The best software must provide one-stop solutions for all your needs and allow users to place bets at any time and, equally as important, anywhere. Nail that, and you’ll be an online gaming winner in no time at all.

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