Modern Day Pirates: Miomni Creates Ocean Sportsbook

Modern Day Pirates: Miomni Creates Ocean Sportsbook

The sports betting industry continues to grow at a rampant pace, as Miomni Creates Ocean Sportsbook. The introduction of an Ocean Sportsbook, founded by software development and gaming technology firm, Mionmi, is just another reminder of how untapped this market really is.

The company just today announced its decision to conjunct with Princess Cruises in an effort to allow customers the opportunity to place sports bets on their cruise ships using their very own sportsbook.

Both pregame and live betting will be offered by Mionmi, and the company hopes to get the ball rolling as soon as cruise ships are able to operate post-pandemic. Mionmi is hopeful that cruise ships will resume operations sometime in the Spring, with a rumored return date hovering around mid-late April.

In any event, the sportsbook will operate as a sub-branch of the Ocean Casino — a digital platform used by the cruise company to enhance the guest experience while also providing more connection to the outside world. 

One of the many complaints people have when traveling via cruise is the limited interaction to the real world and increased sense of isolationism, making this pairing a match made in heaven.

It will be interesting to see what the overall handle looks like during the first couple of months of operation. This should help rejuvenate the cruise industry — a business losing traction in recent years.

The Logistics of Miomni Ocean Sportsbook

Carnival’s Ocean Sportsbook is wise to exploit this niche market, as it will be the first sportsbook accessible in international waters. 

Their app will use geofencing technology to ensure the legality of where customers can place their bets, as people will have to wait till the ship sets sail to place any bets on its app.

Mionmi is hopeful that the sports betting industry continues to project at its current exponential rate, as Zion Market Research forecasts that this market will continue to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 8.33%

In turn, it is quite evident how lucrative this opportunity could be so long as the vaccine is being administered as scheduled — allowing for more normalcy as far as vacationing and travel goes.

Future Outlook on Sports Betting

Needless to say, this breakthrough inaccessibility will have a tremendous ripple effect throughout not only the sports betting industry, but the overall future of travel in general. 

Having the ability to place bets both remotely and internationally has transformed how ‘business’ can be done. The days of waiting in line at a crowded Las Vegas casino are now over, as this method seems practically archaic at this point in time.

We have seen sportsbook apps take control of the betting market in recent months with the continued legalization of sports betting in the U.S. This will only further the industry’s technological progress. There are currently 18 states that allow for legalized sports gambling:

  • Arkansas
  • Colorado
  • Delaware
  • Illinois
  • Indiana
  • Iowa
  • Michigan
  • Mississippi
  • Montana
  • Nevada
  • New Hampshire
  • New Jersey
  • New York
  • New Mexico
  • Oregon
  • Pennsylvania
  • Rhode Island
  • West Virginia
  • Washington, D.C), in addition to another four that have passed the bill.

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In fact, New Jersey officially surpassed Nevada as having the largest yearly handle in any state’s history, with over $6 billion being wagered.

It will be worth monitoring the traffic the Ocean Casino brings in as things get back to normal (hopefully sooner rather than later), in addition to whether other cruise lines follow suit. 

This all goes to show how quickly the world of sports betting is evolving, as more and more companies continue to embrace the unheralded financial opportunity.

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