Roulette is a simple casino game that has been played for hundreds of years. The game is totally luck, there is no skill involved whatsoever, although there is some slight strategy involved. There are certain bets that can be made in roulette that can pay out in a major way. Different spaces on the roulette board have different payout odds. The higher that odds, the less likely that event is to occur. So if you are looking for a game with minimum skill and maximum excitement, roulette is the game for you. The first thing to learn about roulette is what you can bet on, and how much you will win if you bet correctly. An important thing to remember about roulette is that you can bet on multiple spaces per spin. The different betting options and odds are:
  • 0-36 Single Number: 35 to 1
  • 0-36 On the Line (betting on 2 side by side numbers): 17 to 1
  • Betting on a whole row of numbers: 11 to 1
  • Corner (betting on 4 adjacent numbers) : 8 to 1
  • Betting on two whole rows of numbers: 5 to 1
  • Betting on sections (1-12, 13-24, 25-36) : 2 to 1
  • Betting on halves (1-18 , 19-36) : 1 to 1
  • Betting on Red or Black: 1 to 1
  • Betting on Odd or Even: 1 to 1
So, those are your options for each spin, and you will need to formulate your own personal strategy for betting that will make you the most money. The 1 to 1 odds offer a nearly 50% chance of winning (the 0 slot gives the house a small advantage). Overall though, the best chance of winning is by playing the 1 to 1 odds. If you are feeling risky and want to bet on the single number, it’s fairly unadvisable. Hitting the number is very difficult and most of the time you won’t get it right. Although there is a chance you may hit it, but it is very rare. Your chances of hitting your single number are 1 in 36, and you can increase your chances by picking more than one number, but then you are risking even more money. As you start playing you will start picking up more and more individual roulette strategy, doing what seems best to you, but if there are a few more advances and complex strategies, but still remember, the game is entirely luck and skill-free.

What is Roulette?

Roulette is not an easy game to play. Roulette is one of the oldest games played in the casino. The goal is to pick a winning number, a combination of numbers, the color, or odd or even. There are many different bets you can make with roulette and it is not very easy to win. Roulette is played with a wheel. The European wheel has 37 slots and the American wheel has 38 slots. The European wheel’s slots are numbered 0-37 and the American wheel is numbered the same with an additional 00 slot. The additional slot increases the edge of the house by a little over 5%. There are two betting areas with roulette. There is an inside betting area and an outside. The inside has individual numbers and the outside has boxes for columns, red and black, odd and even, and different groups of numbers as well. The inside numbers are formed in three vertical columns with 12 rows of numbers. The 0 and the 00 are at the top of each of the columns. Roulette chips must be purchased in a casino when playing. Each player will have their own color of chips, so there is no confusion. Roulette chips can only be used at the table and cannot be cashed in with the cashier. They are only good at the roulette table. When betting on roulette, there is a table minimum that is for the inside and the outside. You must bet twice, once for the inside and once for the outside. This means that if the roulette minimum is $5, your total bet will be $10. Inside bets can be made on a single number or a combination of numbers. The bets are straight up, split, street bets, corner or quad, basket bet, and a double street bet. The more numbers you bet, the higher your wager, and the higher the payout if you win. Outside bets include betting on red, black, odd and even, a dozen’s bet, and column bet. All of the red, black, odd, and even bets are even dollar bets. You will place your chips in the boxes. A dozen bet means you are betting on 12 numbers consecutively. You will place your chips on the column and these bets pay two to one. If the zero or the double zero comes up, you lose. Never place a bet until a dealer has removed the previous winning number. You can bet on a number that someone has already bet on and chips are placed on the spot. You can stack your chips on top of chips on a number if you want to bet on that number. This is why players have different colors of chips. Players can also place bets even after the ball is spun. However, the dealer will tell you when no one can place any bets on the table or wave his or her hand out and say ‘no more bets’. The goal of roulette is to have an inside and outside win on the number that is hit on the wheel. This is a difficult game and the odds are against you on the inside bet. It is much easier for people to win the outside when guessing odd or even and black and red.

Roulette Strategy

When you walk into a casino, roulette is one of those games that attract a lot of attention, and it is obvious why. The tables are often surrounded by standing players cheering with excitement and nervousness, the attraction is understandable. Many people see it as a simple and easy game with big wins and easy money, but that is slightly deceiving. You can win a lot of money in roulette, but the house has a higher chance of winning than many other games. If you aren’t careful, you can lose a lot of money quickly and without notice. Although there is no skill in the game, with the right bets and the right plays, you can play the game to even the odds a bit.

Table Selection in Roulette

As in any casino game, table selection is key. Even though it would seem that it shouldn’t matter, but some tables are more stacked towards the house than others. Some online casinos have what is called “single zero” roulette. Pick these tables! In this case, there is only one zero instead of two. The more zeros there are, the better chance the house has to win. The zeros throw off the 50/50 chance of such 1to1 bets like black/red (the zeros are green) or the 1-18/19-36 bets. The simple reduction of a zero will decrease the house’s advantage and increase your chances of a win. Another beneficial rule that some casinos offer is that if the ball lands on a zero, those betting on color, odd/even, or 1-18/19-36 would only lose half of their original bet instead of the whole thing. These tables add a little more advantage to the player. Unlike other casino games, there are no methods to beat the game. While there are debates and conspiracies all over the internet, simple math shows the game is just luck and these complex systems are just wrong. The best plan to go into the game with is just to play it safe by making safe bets for a long time, and just have fun. If you lose, don’t just keep doubling your bet, because that is when things get out of control and you just start hemorrhaging money. Roulette is a fun game to play and can be a great social game as well, but my best advice would be to not go into the game thinking you will win it big on the big odd bets. While players can win quickly in the short term, the long term will likely not be as lucky. Plain and simple, the best way to maximize profits is by taking the 1:1 odds bets such as red/black, odd/even, or 1-18/19-36. When you walk into a casino, roulette is one of those games that attract a lot of attention, and it is obvious why. The tables are often surrounded by standing players cheering with excitement and nervousness, the attraction is understandable. Many people see it as a simple and easy game with big wins and easy money, but that is slightly deceiving. You can win a lot of money in roulette, but the house has a higher chance of winning than many other games. If you aren’t careful, you can lose a lot of money quickly and without notice. Although there is no skill in the game, with the right bets and the right plays, you can play the game to even the odds a bit.

Table Selection in Roulette

As in any casino game, table selection is key. Even though it would seem that it shouldn’t matter, but some tables are more stacked towards the house than others. Some online casinos have what is called “single zero” roulette. Pick these tables! In this case, there is only one zero instead of two. The more zeros there are, the better chance the house has to win. The zeros throw off the 50/50 chance of such 1to1 bets like black/red (the zeros are green) or the 1-18/19-36 bets. The simple reduction of a zero will decrease the house’s advantage and increase your chances of a win. Another beneficial rule that some casinos offer is that if the ball lands on a zero, those betting on color, odd/even, or 1-18/19-36 would only lose half of their original bet instead of the whole thing. These tables add a little more advantage to the player. Unlike other casino games, there are no methods to beat the game. While there are debates and conspiracies all over the internet, simple math shows the game is just luck and these complex systems are just wrong. The best plan to go into the game with is just to play it safe by making safe bets for a long time, and just have fun. If you lose, don’t just keep doubling your bet, because that is when things get out of control and you just start hemorrhaging money. Roulette is a fun game to play and can be a great social game as well, but my best advice would be to not go into the game thinking you will win it big on the big odd bets. While players can win quickly in the short term, the long term will likely not be as lucky. Plain and simple, the best way to maximize profits is by taking the 1:1 odds bets such as red/black, odd/even, or 1-18/19-36.